Ensure all items of any new yard or office setup are completed, without missing key steps or processes to allow for a safe, functioning work environment.
It is the policy of Northwest Tank Lines to protect its personnel and property. These procedures are intended to increase employees’ knowledge and assist in the setup of new office or yard spaces.
Wherever possible and/or required, the following items should be sourced:
- Waste removal, composting and recycling services
- Power services, natural gas if necessary
- HVAC services
- Hepa filters
- Sewer/Septic
- Winter plug-ins
- Alarm and security camera services
- Fencing and gates – use automatic or app-based gate system
- Water services
- Landscaping and snow removal services
- Internet, telephone systems
- Cleaning services
- Appliances
- Yard signs (back-in only parking, ownership, trespassing, etc)
- First aid training for staff
- First aid station, including AED
- Muster points, emergency exit signage and evacuation plans
- Pandemic related protocols, if required
- Fire extinguishers
- Visitor guest book
- Sand for walkways
- Stockroom for PPE and paperwork
- Desks, chairs, computers
- Office supplies