Title: Pembina Pipeline Corporation – Gas Services-Kakwa River Site Specific Orientation

  1. Go to www.complyworks.com and select Orientations on the left side of the home page.

  2. Enter your name and the orientation code: BRSSZC

  3. Once you have entered in the orientation code you should see this:

    Please note it may take a while for this to load.

    There are two portions to this orientation so you will have to click NEXT to move on to the second portion. You will also need to click NEXT to start the quiz at the end of the orientation.  There are three questions and you must get them all correct to complete the orientation.

  4. Once you complete the questions you will see the screen below.  Click on continue. You will then need to check off that you acknowledge that you have read and understood the contents of the document and click submit.

  5. Once you have completed that, at the bottom of the page, check the button “Check for certificate”
  6. Then click Print Certificate:
  7. Once completed, please send a copy of the certificate to the office.

    If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Support Team: Calgary Head Office 1-403-219-4792