The main purpose of this procedure is to protect the health and safety of our employees, the general public, the environment, and our company’s assets.
This procedure outlines the steps to be taken when a driver decides to stop working due to unsafe driving conditions, as well as, the notification of a potential
hazard to other drivers in the area, and the necessary steps to be taken prior to restart.
Safety is a core value at Northwest Tank Lines and we must continually assess how we do things to improve our performance.
This procedure applies to all company drivers, owner operator drivers, and owner operators working or conducting business on behalf of Northwest Tank Lines Inc, and is in line with the Canada Labour Code Part II, and the Federal OH&S Regulations.
Stop Work:
In the event a driver decides to stop work due to unsafe road and weather conditions, the following procedures must be followed:
Driver Requirements
– Stop travel, and pull over to a safe position. Ensure your lights are clean, use 4 way flashers or triangles if visibility is compromised, or if you are unable to make it to a safe location.
– Phone, email, text, or use the satellite system to notify Dispatch of your intent to stop working due to unsafe conditions.
– Outline the specifics of the hazard: Road conditions, weather conditions, visibility, etc.
– Indicate the length of time you plan on being stopped.
– Complete HAZARD ID assessment on the satellite system..
– Contact other drivers in the area by radio to advise them of the hazard.
Dispatch Requirements:
– After receiving an email, text, satellite message or safety alert, Operations is to communicate directly with the driver by phone, or satellite if cell service is unavailable, to fully understand the details of the hazard and thank them for doing the right thing.
– Record as many details as possible about the hazard: what, where, when, potential impact, what all they may know about it.
– Inform the driver that they are not to proceed without notifying Northwest, so that additional information regarding the hazard, road and weather conditions, can be shared prior to restart.
– Instruct the driver to communicate any updates as conditions change.
– Email as much information as possible about the hazard internally.
– Communicate broadly to all potential units about the hazard identified.
– Look for other units that may be immediately impacted by the same hazard and receive confirmation that they are aware of the hazard (voice to voice or written acknowledgement) *Be mindful of poor cell service areas.
– Update internal HSE and Dispatch email with communication steps taken.
– Update the customer of the delayed unit.
– Look for resources to understand the hazard further such as road and weather reports, highway camera footage, driver dashcam footage, communication with other drivers and carriers in the area, etc.
– Communicate any new information to the driver(s) impacted.
Northwest Management and HSE Team
– Review hazard reported by driver/dispatch.
– Look to available resources to understand severity and potential severity.
– Consider if the current situation warrants a potential area/fleet stop direction.
Restart Work:
Start Event Trigger – A driver elects to continue travel as the initial reported hazard has been mitigated and feels safe to proceed.
Driver Requirements:
– Communicate with dispatch to notify them that it is now safe to proceed – prior to moving.
– Report the changes in the hazard and steps taken to ensure it is mitigated as much as possible via the HAZARD ID in the satellite system.
– Provide information used to support decisions.
Dispatcher Requirements:
– Specifically ask the driver if the initial hazard reported has changed to support the decision to proceed.
– Provide any information to the driver that is known about the hazard.
– Reinforce that Northwest supports their decision and to continue only when safe to do so.
– Let the driver know to please stop traveling if conditions change.
– Arrange a check in call with the driver within 1 to 2 hours of restart to confirm conditions are safe to continue.
– Provide updated internal communication via email update to the original thread.
– Continue to monitor initial hazard and share any updated information.
Northwest Management and HSE Team:
– Follow the updated information and communicate directly with driver(s) for additional information.
Following Restart
Driver/Dispatcher/Northwest Management and HSE Team
– Continue to monitor and evaluate hazard identified